Well, it looks like break is over and we are back at school. It’s also a new calendar year, but if you are like me the year really starts when school starts. I’m not big on resolutions, but I do want to focus on sharing science resources with you more.
Hopefully, you’ll be hearing from me more so I wanted to take a moment to reintroduce myself. I’m a science and technology teacher. I have taught both middle school (7th and 8th grades) and high school (Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, and Technology). I also had a brief stint as an adjunct professor teaching at a community college.
I have an email list where I send a monthly recap of blog posts. If this is something you want to receive, you can sign up for my list
I hope that I can provide some tips and tricks that will help make your teaching a little bit easier (because we all know how hard it is).