OrangeSlice is a rubric extension for Google Docs that comes in two parts: a teacher rubric and a student rubric. The teacher rubric works to provide grades and/or feedback to students. The student rubric can be used for self or peer review.
There are three types of rubrics: holistic, competency and analysis. A holistic rubric gives the student an average of their performance across all categories you set up. Competency rubrics gives the student a score based on their weakest category. An analysis rubric is the one we most think of when thinking of rubrics and gives a number grade based on the total of all categories. The nice thing is that you can start off with a holistic rubric during the assignment to provide feedback before the assignment is due and then switch to a competency rubric once a final grade is needed.
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Would you be interested in more posts about creating OrangeSlice Rubrics? Let me know. You can also view their help doc here.