
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Separating and Combining Columns in Excel

Many student management systems have the ability to download an excel file with student information.  WE often need to manipulate the file to meet our needs.  

This video will show you how to take text that is one column and split it into two columns as well as taking two columns and combining them into one.

I hope this little trick saves you some time.  What other little tricks would help you?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Drive it Home with Chrome

If you are Google obsessed like me you may have heard of the Google Summits run by the EdTechTeam.  I have yet to attend one, but I have found the next best thing!  EdTechTeam has been live streaming and recording some of their sessions.  One session that I recently watched was all about the Chrome browser.  Many people don't give the browser they use a second thought, but you can really do some great things.  Check out this video to learn more about all of the great things you can do with the Chrome browser.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

a little change

I'm working to update the look of my blog a bit to take it to the next level.  The first thing I've done is get a domain name!  You can now get to this blog by going to  You can still use the blogspot address as well.

I hope you like the upcoming update :-)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Setting up Right Click on a Mac

When my school switched over to Macs a few years ago many people struggled to make the conversion from PC.  One thing that was a struggle was not having the right click that they were used to on their PCs.  After realizing that years later coworkers were still struggling with it I have made a short tutorial on how to set it up on your mac.  I hope this helps you out!

What other tips would you like me to share?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Top 10 Posts of June and What I've been up to

I'm sure it can't be just me, but June was a crazy busy month.  My classroom is always a mess and packing everything up at the end of the year is always a challenge.  I share a classroom with another teacher and between the two of us we teach almost every science subject you can think of.  So, as you imagine, we have a lot of stuff.  My goal for next year, as it almost always is, is to get the classroom super organized.  Does anyone has really struggle with organization?  I have tried every tip and trick, but I always feel like the absent minded professor.  I guess we all have something we are always working on.

Top 10 posts of June