
Sunday, April 21, 2013

QuestBase - create online and print test, quizzes and surveys

I just heard about a site that allows you to create tests, quizzes, survey and anything else you would need to create that has questions in it. It's called QuestBase. Right now it's still in Beta so not all of the feature are 100% yet, but from what I have seen I really like it. It is very simply to use and it allows you to give the quiz in two different way: you can create a pdf and print or you can have students take the quiz online. One of the feature that really sold me on this (because I've been a big Google Forms person for quizzes) is the ability to add in pictures. This was one of the thing that held me back when creating quizzes for my Chemistry classes. Don't get me wrong, I love Google for so many things, but creating online quizzes is one area where it's not the best. QuestBase seems like a good solution to problem of not being able to add pictures. In addition, I like that you can randomly rearrange both order of the questions and the order of the answers.

Do you have a great program you use to create tests? Do you give your tests online?

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