If it hasn't been totally obvious so far, I love using technology in my classroom. I especially love sites and programs that allow my students to work independently as I can customize learning more and students can work at their own pace. I recently learned about Study.com and think that it fits the bill of how I want my classroom to run. I can engage my students with videos, quizzes, worksheets, and activities all online!
There are also videos and instruction for you as the teacher. You can learn more about incorporating technology in the classroom or brush up on content material (great if you are teaching something new!). Plus you are able to find worksheets and classroom activities that you can use offline. Take a look at the video below to get an overview of what Study.com can do for you as a teacher.
Be an Effective Teacher | Study.com's Teacher Plan
I suggest checking it out if you are curious about what it's like. Study.com is also offering my readers 20% their first month if you join via this l
ink. If you aren't ready to join, try out the free trial to get a sense of what it's like.
Do you think this is something that would be helpful to you?