
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Internet Safety - Hover before you click

If you hover your mouse over a hyperlink you can see what website the link goes to in the bottom left of your window. It’s a great way to check to make sure a link is legitimate before you click on it.

Alice Keeler has a great post on her blog about this and I suggest that you check it out!

What tips do you have to keep safe on the internet?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Multi-Owner Classes in Remind

Multi-Owner Classes in Remind

Remind just launched a new feature that allows for multi-owner classes. This is great for those who coteach classes or who have two advisors or coaches for a sport. If you aren't familiar with Remind it's a way to send text messages and/or e-mails to students in a safe way. There is also a feature, that you can enable, to allow students to send you messages as well.

Here's an overview of Remind, plus some handy quick-start guides and fact sheets -- and this video of a principal talking about how he uses Remind.

Increasing parental engagement and satisfaction:

Principal Adam Welcome uses Remind schoolwide and surveys parents re: engagement and satisfaction: on his last survey, 99% of parents agreed that his Remind messages were helpful and useful. One teacher Remind to ping parents about end-of-year conferences, and had 100% of families show up for the first time ever. See here for a case study.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Renaming a file on Mac

Alice Keeler created this simple video and explanation about how to rename a file on Mac.  You can find her post here.  Her video is embedded below as well.

What other little tips and tricks would help you out as you begin this new school year? 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Plickers - paper based "clickers"

I love the idea of student response systems such as Socrative, but my students don't have individual devices to use.  I came across Plickers and tried it out right away.  To use Plickers in your classroom you only need one device (apple or android).  Students each get a card (that you can print) that looks like a QR code.  Depending on the orientation that students hold the card they are presenting a different answer.  All it takes is a quick pan across the room with your device and you'll get all of the students responses.

I will admit the the setup is a little cumbersome if you want to track individual students.  It's not as easy as some of the other apps, but it's great low tech option.  A couple of notes to help you use them in the classroom.  Make sure that when the students hold up their cards their fingers aren't covering any of the code.  Also, resist the urge to laminate the cards.  Yes they will last longer, but the glare will prevent the camera from properly picking up the image.

What quick assessment techniques do you use in your classroom?